
by - Sunday, May 08, 2011

 After been thinking about having a blog for layouts I've made for my CT work. I finally got it all done. Actually this was my P52 blog but since I'm getting way behind so I thought I should turn this to a personal blog, a place where I'll post my digital layouts and story of my personal life (if anybody wants to know about it, lol).

I do plan to have some freebies too, so if you happen to come here for the first time. It would be great to bookmark this blog. So you won't miss any freebie.

iNSD has just passed and during that time there were so many yummy scrapbook kits released. Designers I've created for also have lots of lovely products and I'm so behind on getting layouts done because my dd is going to Kindergarten in less than ten days.

Here in Thailand, kids start Kindergarten when they are three years old. I feel like it's too young. My dd is still a baby to me. She still needs me to do this and that for her, and she can't even use the potty.

So I was busy during iNSD training her to sit on the potty. It was two days of weep and tears. Three days, and now she is doing great. Just now before I sent her to bed, she took her undies off and ran to the potty, all by herself.

Could you imagine how happy am I?

I know I was too mean to my little girl. I shout at her a lot. Especially when she peed on her undies after I've been taking her to the potty and she refused to sit or pee. I told her I'll go away if she can't do it. I walked away sometimes and she cried very sadly thought that I'm leaving. Three days instead of a week or two, even I still need to keep an eye on her sometimes but this is just awesome.

I gave her big kisses and hugs every time she can do it. So she knows that what she's doing makes mommy happy.

Okay, back to my CT work. I had to catch up but still got one or two layouts to be done. Anyway here are what I've scrapped over the weekend (and some from the past week).

 Using FPD's May Collab, Salt Water Taffy @ Funky Playground Designs

Using Blossom by Jennifer Labre Designs @ ScrapMatters

Using iNSD PU Grab Bag by Jady Day Studio

Using Friends by Choice by Meredith Cardall and Misty Cato

I'm a circle lover. You will find circles in several of my layouts and I've also got good feed backs on those layouts too. So I thought of turning this into a template. This is my first time making templates. It's quite fun and I might be doing it more.

I've been using template lately. Especially when my scrapping mojo were lost in the clouds during two years of only focusing on design. I found that I love using templates. It's quite challenging to add your 'own' style to those templates. You just have to get out of the box. Don't just stuck with the template you use.

In the download you will find both TIFF and PSD format. I hope you will have fun scrapping with this template, and happy late iNSD and also Happy Mother's Day!

Have a nice day!

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  1. Thanks for the great template! Your daughter is so cute!

  2. Thank you so much May and congrats on your daughter for being so fast to learn the potty! Well, I also saw one of your pages being GSO so congrats to mommy, too!

  3. Thank you for sharing this great template!

  4. Fantastic template thanks!!!!

  5. I'd like to know if this is for Personal Use or Commercial Use since there are no terms on the preview, can you help?

  6. This template is for personal use only.
    Thank you!
