More Layouts and Updates

by - Saturday, December 08, 2012

It's getting close to Christmas and that means another year is ending. I can't believe it at all. It's like time flies rather than rolling day by day.

I'm now retired from designing digital scrapbooking products. I'm not sure if I would get back to do it once again or not, but for now I will just say that I'm retired. Of cause, I do miss it as it was a part of my life for many years. Anyway I feel relief and more happy. I have more time to do some scrapping both digitally and paper scrapping (which I became to love).

Also I have more time to work on my book, my novel which I need to get it done by February next year.

Okay, I'll stop rambling and post the layouts I've made starting from the newest one for this week first. I love this kit from Mari and Zoe very much. I'm an secret admirer of Zoe. So everytime the designer I CT for get to collab with Zoe, I get very excited. I really hope she would have a CT call soon, lol.

Using Oh Happy Day by Mari Koegelenberg and Zoe Pearn

 Below are layouts from a few weeks before.

Using Document Christmas The Collection by Mari Koegelenberg and Studio Basic

Using Welcome to the World by Sugarplum Paperie and Jenn Barrette, Mixed Media Mashups No. 1 , and The Alpha Files No. 20 by Krystal Hartley

Using A Happy Thought, Mixed Media Mashups No. 1, My Stamp Stash No. 7 by Krystal Hartley

Using Yesterday, Today and Forever by Juliana Kneipp and Sugarplum Paperie, and Mixed Media Mashups No. 2 by Krystal Hartley

I really want to turn some of these layouts to templates so I give it out as a freebie, but I'm so lazy to do so, lol.

But I've saved all the layouts as TIFF so I can turned them to templates later when I'm not so lazy.

I'll find sometime to show my December Daily project. It's not to Chrismas-y since we don't decorate our house with Christmas tree but it's a special time of the year that I would love to document.

Hope you all are having a great weekend. I do since we are having a long weekend here in Thailand.

Til next time, happy scrapping!


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