Week 1 : 1 - 2 January

by - Friday, January 07, 2011

Last year I've failed with my 365 Project, but I decided that I would give myself a try this year with Project 52 instead.

Anyway since I don't take much pictures these days, so my P52 will be mainly journals with some pictures added. This way I can also improve my English too!

Here is what I'm going to do. I'll start a new blog each week and write about each day (especially the days that has something to capture). Then I'll try to scrap a page with the stories of that week.

January 2nd, 2010

We decided to bring Janice to the Aquarium which is her favorite place because she loves fish so much. It was still holiday so there were a lot of people at the aquarium. I was not happy because it is too crowded, and I'm afraid that Janice will get lost if she ran around like she usually do when we bring her to the aquarium.

I told her to hold daddy's hand as she was with him because I had the stroller with me. Anyway I've tried to keep track of her each and every steps.

We've been there many times already. So it's kinda like running in her own backyard for Janice. She knows (as much as an almost three years old could know) the names of many fishes. A couple that was looking at the Lion Fish tank was surprised when they heard Janice called out it's name. I saw they look at each in the eyes and smile. They had a girl same age as Janice, may be a couple months younger.

Actually it's normal cause when people likes something, they could remember every little things about it. Janice loves fish and having a father that is a fish-lover. So it's not strange at all that she could remember their names.

There are certain places and things that Janice has to do when she's at the aquarium such as:
  • Climb up the Turtle.
  • Climb up the Manta Ray.
  • Say hello to the Penguins.
  • Eat Pop Corn.
  • Play in the playground.
  • Say hello to the Jelly Fishes.
  • Say hello to the Sharks, and Manta Ray too!
She ran back and forward doing things in this list again and again. So could you imagine what will happen when it's crowded and you have a little energetic girl running around. She didn't even realize that she would get loss if she keeps running like that.

I leave them to go to the rest room and when I came out, just a sudden that my husband took his eyes away. Janice ran away from him. He didn't even know that she's already gone from his sight. I'd followed her, grab her hand and told her not to run away from daddy. Otherwise she'll get loss but she didn't listen. She let go my hand and ran further. So I ran after and grab her in my arms, carried her back to my husband who just knew that Janice wasn't there.

Okay, that was the first time!

My husband took Janice's hand and told her the same old thing we both told her so many times. Then we walk further in to the tunnel. (I love it there. It's like you are 'Unda da Sea')

As I said that it was too crowded. When we reach the tunnel, so many people were inside and block the way that we couldn't walk through. Then Janice ran out of the tunnel which is the same time my husband's cellphone rank. I told him to follow Janice as I couldn't get out because of the crowds and stroller. Anyway it took me just about 3 minutes to get out of the tunnel, not too long.

It was a little dark at the entrance to the tunnel. I pushed the stroller faster as there were nobody standing there then suddenly Janice jumped out and said...

"Peek-A-Boo Mummy"

I grabbed her, looked around and couldn't find my husband. So I noticed that he'd missed her again! I'm not sure if Janice knew that or not, but it's like she was waiting for me to come out of the tunnel. Like she knew Mummy is coming in a minute.

I guessed that she might noticed that Daddy is not there. So she waits until Mummy comes!

I carried her with one arm, pushed the stroller with another arm and walked around looking for Daddy. We found that he was looking for Janice too! He called me on my cell but didn't hear the voice as it's in my handbag which I put it in the stroller. It was to noisy in there too!

So that's it, twice is enough. We wouldn't risk any more. We took Janice out and put her in the stroller, so she couldn't ran anymore.

Ten minutes later, Janice fell asleep. She must have been really tired and it was passd her napping time already. For me and my husband, it was the best time ever of that day!

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