Week 2 : 3 - 9 January

by - Sunday, January 09, 2011

Umm...I'm trying to catching up with my project and to write about it when it is already passed is very difficult. I Think I might have to get a diary or something and write things down at the end of each day. Yes, yes I think this is a great idea. I do have lots of notebooks. So I only have to pick one from my stash.

January 3rd, 2011

We went to Central Rama III which is the nearest department store. There lots of people but not like the day we went to the aquarium. We wanted to go to supermarket to buy some food and things for the house. We took Janice to the toy section. Normally she'd never asked for toys. This time too, but we bought another Disney Mermaid Doll for her. It's one of Ariel's sisters, Attina. Her aunt bought one for her months ago. It's Alanna, if I could remember right. She's fond of mermaids. Okay, you know that she likes fish. So why she wouldn't like mermaids, right?

I've search for Disney Princess, Mermaid Sisters and found this picture that has all the seven of them. It's the same picture on the back of the product box.

Janice got the left and middle sisters on the lowest row. I really hope I could find the whole set for her, but it's an old product and might be out of stock. Anyway I'll keep looking.

Actually before Christmas Janice got her first barbie. It's one of the Mermaid barbies, the one that has long golden hair and a pink tiara. It also comes with a pink dolphin. Then when my friend came to visit, she bought Janice her next barbie. The small blue mermaid that is riding the sea horse. My friend wanted to buy the big one but Janice pointed the small one.

As usual when we passed the aquarium which is near the alligator, and Janice has to stop saying hello to her fish friends.

January 8th, 2011

It's National Children's Day in Thailand (The second Saturday on January).

We want to take Janice to the zoo because she'd requested to go there the day after we brought her to the aquarium, but we didn't take her because we are pretty sure that on a day like this. The zoo must be crowded with lots of people. Every parents would take their kids to the zoo for sure. It's one of the coolest place for kids.

So we took her to Central instead.

There were lots of people there too, but Janice was sitting on her stroller. So there were no problem with her running here and there.

Janice got her presents for National Childrens' Day too!

Her first ever Lego, and one Micky Mouse bath towel.

January 9th, 2011

Janice doesn't eat much. Actually she eats very little, and also very difficult. So we decided to bring her to see Thai Traditional Medicine because my husband's friends said that it could help Janice's appetite. We are going to bring her tomorrow!

I really hope it helps!

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