I got my computer back!!!

by - Monday, March 25, 2013

Last week was such a boring week for me because my computer wouldn't start up. Normally when there are problems with the computer, my hubby would be looking into the problem and fix it. But he was so busy that had no time to fix it for me until the day before that I was a little cranky with my girl because she wouldn't let me work on the laptop.

It's school holiday now so my dd is at home with me, and she usually watch cartoons on the computer. So I had to work on the laptop instead, but only with Microsoft Word or searching around the internet since it is too slow to play with PS.

When the computer wouldn't start up, it means that I couldn't scrap at all. So the first thing when I got my computer back is scrap!

And here's my layout with Jennifer Labre's last week new release, Flourish available at ScrapMatters. I love the deep bold colors in this kit.

Hope to have more layouts coming this week.

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